ChainSafe Systems: Files

Chainsafe Files provided encrypted file storage with sharing capabilities.


HQ: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Active Markets: North America


Problem Addressed

Existing cloud storage services are energy and resource intensive. Large centralized data centers consume massive amounts of space and electricity. Decentralized cloud storage is growing as a viable and more sustainable alternative to previous cloud storage options by making use of distributed networks of providers with existing storage space.

Project Description

ChainSafe Systems was a blockchain R&D firm working primarily on protocol engineering, cross-chain interoperability, and Web3 gaming. ChainSafe developed Files as a user-friendly platform to interface with the Filecoin network, making access to decentralized storage more approachable.

ChainSafe Files offered end-to-end encrypted decentralized file storage through the Filecoin network. Files was a modular, open-source product, enabling users to integrate them as part of their apps. ChainSafe Files sought to ensure that users retain sole ownership and exclusive access privileges to their data. Participants were to store, view, and share files with user-set access permissions and encrypted security. Files used a decentralized login flow that removed the need for third-party verification.


Business Data

Status: Undetermined

Constituency Served: General public

Networks: Ethereum, Filecoin, Polkadot

Known Investors: ConsenSys Mesh, HashKey Capital, Fenbushi Capital, Round13 Capital, NGC Ventures, Jsquare, Digital Finance Group (DFG)

Additional References: N/a

Progress to date

While ChainSafe Systems as a broader organization is still active, ChainSafe Files has not published or communicated about or made announcements about the project for around two years.

Business Model

Revenue model not disclosed.



Guardian Project: ProofMode
