DeFi-enabled Credit for Smallholder Farmers
In a pilot partnership with Mercy Corps Ventures, Cinch tested the use of DeFi blockchain technology to offer credit products for smallholder farmers in Kenya.

DeFi Lending for Kenyan MSMEs
SympliFi, Kwanza Tukule, UTU, and Kotani Pay piloted the used of DeFi lending products to offer a Buy-Now-Pay-Later solution for informal vendors in Nairobi, Kenya.

Smart Contract Climate Insurance in Kenya
ACRE Africa tested the use of smart contracts in climate insurance to improve experiences for climate-impacted smallholder farmers in Kenya.

Leaf / BOSS Money Africa
Leaf is a digital wallet offering available on smartphones, feature phones, and other mobile devices, enabling domestic and cross border value transfer.

impactMarket is an educational, crypto lending and Universal Basic Income (UBI) protocol for underserved communities.